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Kenan Institute 2025 Grand Challenge: Skills Gap
Research • Insight • Growth
Jul 12, 2018

Developing the Right Strategy for Centralization for YOUR Campus


Times are tough for universities. Leaders on campus are facing more pressure than ever – strategic, operational, and financial. Strategic issues include perception of quality, social movements, and rising expectations of stakeholders. Operational challenges include balancing priorities with investment, launching new academic programs and methodologies, and creating shared services or external labor. Financial factors include a decline in resources, an increase in accountability, and a strong push for infrastructure investment1. On a macro-level, educational technologies, private industry players, and declines in traditionally-aged students are also creating dramatic shifts in traditional operating models. Good decision making—especially related to strategic resource allocations and cost management —is at a premium. Administrative spending has significantly outgrown investment in faculty over the past two decades. How do we manage our administrative functions efficiently to free up resources for our core dual mission of teaching and research?

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