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Kenan Institute 2025 Grand Challenge: Skills Gap
Research • Insight • Growth

Arvind Malhotra

H. Allen Andrew Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, and 2023 Kenan Institute Distinguished Fellow

The impact of social media on business; open innovation approaches in innovation tournaments and collaborative communities; and virtual teams are areas of research for Arvind Malhotra.

His research projects include studying successful how brands leverage social media for creating a loyal customer base, successful open-innovation organizational and extra-organizational structures; adoption of innovative technology-based services, such as wireless, by consumers and organizations; and management of knowledge in extra-organizational contexts.

Dr. Malhotra has received research grants from the Society for Information Managers Advanced Practices Council, Dell, Carnegie-Bosche Institute, National Science Foundation, RosettaNet consortium, UNC-Small Grants Program and the Marketing Sciences Institute.

He has consulted, conducted applied research projects or led executive development workshops with ESPN, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, IBM, ExxonMobil, Primax Properties, Sprint, RosettaNet Consortium, American Golf Corporation, Cisco, ING Direct and Cargill Sweeteners.

Dr. Malhotra’s research has been published in leading academic journals such as Harvard Business ReviewSloan Management ReviewAcademy of Management Perspectives, Information Systems Research, MIS QuarterlyJournal of Service Research, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Academy of Marketing SciencesManufacturing and Service Operations Management, Journal of Management Information SystemsJournal of Knowledge Management and Communications of the ACM.

He received the best paper award from MIS Quarterly, the top information science journal, in 2001, and the best paper of the year from the Journal of Services Research and Journal of Knowledge Management in 2005. Two of his papers earned the prestigious Society for Information Managers Best Paper Award.

He received his PhD in business administration and his MS in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Southern California. He earned his BE in electronics and communications engineering from the University of Delhi.