Noah Eisenkraft’s research focuses on negotiations, social networks, emotions and well-being at work, in addition to methodological issues related to those topics.
His recent work has examined the consequences of pain and illness at work, the effects of emotions on group performance and the accuracy of first impressions.
Dr. Eisenkraft teaches negotiations in the MBA Program and conducts negotiations workshops with leaders in the public and private sector.
His public-sector clients include the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and UNC Hospitals. His private-sector clients include Family Dollar, Owens Corning, Aerotek and ExxonMobil.
Administrative Science Quarterly, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Psychological Science have published his research.
Dr. Eisenkraft received his PhD and master’s degree in management and organizational behavior from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his bachelor’s degree in psychology, magna cum laude, from Harvard College.