Quantum circuits are an essential aspect of quantum algorithms and applications. Their efficiency can greatly impact not only the efficiency of higher level algorithms but also their feasibility and applicability, especially in the current NISQ era. In this talk, Shaohan Hu, will join us from the Future Lab of Applied Research and Engineering at JPMorgan Chase to discuss two pieces of his recent work on building efficient quantum circuits. Firstly, we will look at the construction of efficient Multiple-Control Toffoli gates targeting superconducting circuits for 2D square lattice architectures. Secondly, Shaohan will discuss an approach for compacting Clifford circuits using template matching and symbolic peephole optimization methods. The preliminary implementations for both techniques show promising results.
Shaohan Hu joined the Future Lab of Applied Research and Engineering (FLARE) at JPMorgan Chase & Co. as a researcher in 2021. Prior to that, he was a research staff member at IBM working on quantum computing with a focus on quantum circuits, algorithms, and applications. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from UIUC, where his work spanned the topics of AI/ML, IoT, mobile computing, and cloud computing.
Chelsea Donahue, Rethinc. Labs Assistant Director