Adam Reed researches short selling, equity lending, capital markets and mutual funds.
The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Financial Economics and the Review of Financial Studies have published his research, which also has been featured in several books. The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg and The New York Times have cited his research.
He is a research consultant for the Securities and Exchange Commission, and worked as a research assistant for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Dr. Reed works with the Risk Management Association (RMA) to promote academic research and interaction between academics, practitioners and policy makers in the area of short selling. He is the conference organizer and co-chair of the annual UNC/RMA Academic Forum on Securities Lending, which brings together academics and industry professionals to discuss early stage research in securities lending and securities lending.
He is an award-winning teacher and researcher. Poets & Quants and Fortune named him one of “The World’s Best 40 B-School Profs Under the Age of 40.” Q-Group and BNP Paribas awarded research grants to him.
Dr. Reed has spoken at conferences hosted by organizations across the United States and around the world, including for Goldman Sachs Asset Management, National Bureau of Economic Research, Securities and Exchange Commission, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, New York Federal Reserve, Mellon Bank, Pension Investment Association of Canada, Financial Management Association, European Finance Association and the American Finance Association.
He is a member of the board of academic directors for Quadriserv Inc., and serves on the board of directors for Polyglot and the N.C. State Employees Credit Union Local Advisory Board.
He received his PhD and master’s degree in finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and his BA in applied mathematics and economics with honors from the University of California at Berkeley.