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Kenan Institute 2025 Grand Challenge: Skills Gap
Research • Insight • Growth

Sri Balasubramanian

Professor of Marketing

Sridhar Balasubramanian’s teaching and research interests are in marketing strategy and technology strategy, customer-focus, innovation and growth strategy, services design and marketing, e-business, customer relationship management, game theory, and the management of competition. He specializes in bringing the tools and concepts of market-focus and customer-focus into other functional areas, including the management of the human resource function.

Dr. Balasubramanian has been recognized for his pioneering research on how the internet and mobile channels are reshaping business and marketing. His research has won awards from organizations such as INFORMS and the National Science Foundation (NSF), including the John D.C. Little Award from INFORMS for the best marketing paper in Marketing Science and Management Science.

He pursues a broad and interdisciplinary research agenda, and has worked with researchers across functional areas including operations, IT, management and strategy. His research has been cited more than 1,800 times on the Social Science Citation Index and more than 6,460 times on the Google Scholar Citation Index. It appears in journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, Manufacturing & Services Operations Management, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Decision Support Systems and Sloan Management Review. He served as guest editor of the centennial issue of the Journal of Retailing, a reviewer for numerous journals and on the editorial board of Marketing Science and Journal of Interactive Marketing.

Poets & Quants named Dr. Balasubramanian “one of the Top 50 Business Professors in the World.” UNC Kenan-Flagler designated him as a “MBA Master Teacher at UNC” and he received the Weatherspoon Award for Excellence in PhD Teaching, the UNC Executive Development “Above and Beyond” Award and the best teacher award six times in Executive MBA Programs.

Dr. Balasubramanian works actively with the corporate world. He has conducted executive development programs for and/or consulted with numerous organizations in the United States, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America, including AEROTEK, the Asahi Glass Company, Babcock & Wilcox, BASF, Boeing, Canara Bank, Caterpillar Inc., CISCO, Dentsply, Environmental Protection Agency, Glen Raven, Grant Thornton, Ingersoll-Rand, KPMG, LOWE’S, Performance Food Group, SHRM, State Bank of Hyderabad, Telkom, Union Bank of India, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Vincera and Xerox.

Before beginning his academic career, he was area sales manager for India’s leading food manufacturing and marketing company. He has advised start-ups and existing firms on issues related to becoming customer focused, the design and implementation of marketing strategy, building creative thinking and innovation skills, and the pursuit of profitable innovation and growth.

He received his PhD and MA from Yale University, his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM Bangalore-India) and his B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Kharagpur-India).